Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Toyman Con Report: QC Anime-Zing! 2013

May 6, 2013

Toyman Review: Glyos by Onell Design

April 30, 2013

Well this has been a long, LONG time in coming, ladies and gentlemen! But finally the Toyman managed to get an order placed during the recent drop in Onell Design’s shop for April 2013.

And now without further adieu, I present my review of the Glyos The Reydurran Divide!

Now this is my first venture into the Glyos Universe. After watching so many videos on Youtube about Glyos and reading Onell Design’s blog, I wanted to get into the toys, big time! However, with not having much money to spend on a lot of stuff on the recent drop, I managed to get some of the items that were offered on the store that night.


So what do I think? I think these toys are FREAKIN’ AWESOME! Now I played with LEGOs when I was a kid, but this is more like “Action Figure Building” than playing with LEGOs. These toys are made from very high quality PVC plastic, and with different joints, components, pieces, heads, weapons, etc. the building possibilities are endless! But because of my limited funds and not having enough for insane builds, I am kinda limited as of now.

Do I plan to buy more? OH YES! I plan on buying a lot more Glyos to build a lot more figures.

Do I recommend Glyos for those who like building action figures and their own custom figures? Oh yes! Go support Onell Design and creator Matt Doughty. He works hard as a third-party toy manufacturer, and loves his fans.

So if you like building custom figures, building toys in general, and awesome sci-fi character toys, Glyos is for you!


Toyman Review: Glyos by Onell Design

April 30, 2013

Well this has been a long, LONG time in coming, ladies and gentlemen! But finally the Toyman managed to get an order placed during the recent drop in Onell Design’s shop for April 2013.

And now without further adieu, I present my review of the Glyos The Reydurran Divide!

Now this is my first venture into the Glyos Universe. After watching so many videos on Youtube about Glyos and reading Onell Design’s blog, I wanted to get into the toys, big time! However, with not having much money to spend on a lot of stuff on the recent drop, I managed to get some of the items that were offered on the store that night.



So what do I think? I think these toys are FREAKIN’ AWESOME! Now I played with LEGOs when I was a kid, but this is more like “Action Figure Building” than playing with LEGOs. These toys are made from very high quality PVC plastic, and with different joints, components, pieces, heads, weapons, etc. the building possibilities are endless! But because of my limited funds and not having enough for insane builds, I am kinda limited as of now.

Do I plan to buy more? OH YES! I plan on buying a lot more Glyos to build a lot more figures.

Do I recommend Glyos for those who like building action figures and their own custom figures? Oh yes! Go support Onell Design and creator Matt Doughty. He works hard as a third-party toy manufacturer, and loves his fans.

So if you like building custom figures, building toys in general, and awesome sci-fi character toys, Glyos is for you!


Toyman “Mini” Review: Transformers BotShots, Prime Cyberverse Legion, Generations Legends, & Rescue Bots!

April 14, 2013

March 2, 2013

Toyman Review – Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Legacy Power Morpher

February 20, 2013

So, for the 20th anniversary of Power Rangers this year, Bandai finally gave us long time fans a toy/collectible that we’ve been asking for for….well, 20 years! The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Legacy Power Morpher!



The outside of the box is in the retro style/color of the original MMPR toys. I really did like this aspect, as it did make it easy to spot on shelves. The availability of the Legacy Power Morpher is limited, being a Toys’R’Us Exclusive (though rumor is that Bandai will do a more general retail release to every store, but that has yet to be confirmed).

I decided to pick this up after an exhaustive series of calls/visits to my local TRU that finally paid off when I was told when the latest shipment would be coming in.



After opening the box, the plastic tray contains the Legacy Morpher (with the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin), the 4 other Ranger Power Coins, and the belt buckle/morpher holder. The Morpher and Power Coins are all Die-Cast, being top-tier for collectors. The detail in each of the Power Coins is super defined, making these closer to the original Zyuranger Dino Medals from Japan.



The morpher opens with a push of a button on the right side of the handle. There are 4 sounds in the morpher as well as 4 LEDs that surround the Power Coin slot. The 4 sounds are: Communicator beep when the morpher is turned on, the open morpher sound, a second longer morpher open sound, and the MMPR Jingle when the button is held down.



The back of the morpher features the Zyuranger “Z”, as well as the rangers colors on stickers that go across the top and bottom of the morpher.

Now, on to what everyone is asking: Is it truly worth the $50 price tag?

The Toyman’s Opinion:Yes! If you are a fan of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a kid and always wanted a Power Morpher, you can get one finally without having to pay collector’s prices on Ebay.

Toyman Rating: 5/5


Toyman Review – Power Rangers Megaforce Deluxe Gosei Morpher

February 19, 2013

Hello from the world of the Toyman! This will be my first review, so please enjoy!

I will be reviewing the morpher for the new season of Power Rangers in 2013. The Power Rangers Megaforce Deluxe Gosei Morpher!

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First thing you will notice about season’s morpher that is that it is almost the exact same as its Super Sentai counterpart, the Goseiger Tensouder. Now I do not have a Tensouder, but after looking at them on online, the only difference is the paint colors, and the fact that the Japanese version is a bit thicker and chunkier.

Gosei vs Tensouder

[Above image credit goes to]

As you can see, the difference is barely noticeable. Some paint apps, size, and of course their programmed audio is the only difference. But I am not here to compare them, I am here to review!

According to what fans have been able to get out of the sounds in the Gosei Morpher, the total number of sounds/sayings is at whopping total of 170 sounds. 170 SOUNDS?! Wow, I don’t think a Power Rangers morpher has ever had that many pre-programmed sounds before. That to me makes it an instant buy!


This morpher uses bar-coded cards to make all the sounds. Included with the Deluxe Gosei Morpher are: (In photo order- with sound)

[P-068] Red Mystic Force Ranger – “Mystic Force, Red!”

[P-069] Red S.P.D. Ranger – “SPD, Red!”

[P-073] Red Jungle Fury Ranger – “Jungle Fury, Red!”

[P-071] Red Ninja Storm Ranger – “Ninja Storm, Red!”

[P-070] Red Wild Force Ranger – “Wild Force – Red!”

[P-018] Red Megaforce Ranger – “Go Go Megaforce!”

[P-023] Red Megaforce Ranger – “Summon Battlegear!”

[P-027] Gosei Dragon Mechazord – “Summon Zord!”

[P-029] Gosei Great Megazord – “Summon Megazord!”

[P-031] Red Megaforce Ranger – “Victory Charge!”

Ten cards, ten sounds right out of the box. That’s what I call a great start. Now I just have to wait for the release of the other cards via booster packs to get the other sounds, or print off the bar codes that have been posted online. But if you are a collector of Power Ranger memorabilia, it would be better to get the actual cards.

So, for the Toyman, this is a great buy! I know that Toys”R”Us has them available now, and also online at

Toyman Rating: 5/5


Local Store Update (1/26/13) – Toys”R”Us

January 27, 2013

Subtitle: “Some Beasts Are Leaving, New Beasts Arriving!”

So, a trip to my local Toys”R”Us this evening had me quite surprised.


First of all, for the Beasts that are leaving: Looks like Beyblade is on the way out. Yup, there was sale on all Beyblade stuff – Buy 1 Get One Half Off. Seems the fad of Beyblade did not last as long as it first did.

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So along with the sale on Beyblade, they were also having a sale on all current Transformers stock as well. Same sale – Buy 1, Get One Half Off. Seems they are making room for the new Transformers waves coming this year.

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As for the new “Beasts” coming in, the first are the new Power Rangers Megaforce items, be they Ranger action figures, Megazords, and Oversize Ranger toys. Honestly, I don’t know what to think of the Megaforce Red Ranger the size of a small child. Kinda creepy…

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However, the best of the Beasts that arrived were the Transformers Prime Beast Hunters toys. With the sale that Toys”R”Us was having on Transformers, I managed to snag these for a total of $25. Great deal for me!


Local Store Update (Late Edition from 1/17/13) – 1/22/13

January 23, 2013

A bit of a late update for the blog, but here is my journey to my local Target.


Empty pegs…Sad Sad day indeed!


Empty shelves….wow Target, wow.


App Toys pushing Pokemon out of the way? Wha???


My poor poor Transformers…So little amount of you!


Even the poor Voyager class Transformers are lacking.


Interesting Finds at Toys R Us – 1/12/13

January 13, 2013

So, despite my post about not finding anything I wanted to buy at my local Toys R Us today, I did see some interesting toys/games there today.


The first thing that made me a little sad was seeing the bare hook at the Beyblade section. Seems Beyblade is once again on it’s way out. I am gonna be sad to see it go again. I take it that it just really didn’t take off like I thought it would.

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For the fans of BotShots out there, there are now Team sets. The first is the Stunticons and the other is the Autobot Polar Assault Team. Now I do like the BotShots, but since I really don’t find them very collectible I decided to pass on them.


Very cool to see the two versions of the same mold for the Fall of Cybertron Soundwave/SoundBlaster. Again very cool, but not something I was interested in.


Kinda surprised this one got past me as far as video games go. I was hoping we would get a Thundercats game, but I think it’s a too little too late.


Now this was something I was certainly not expecting to see at my Toys R Us. Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver. Now I am not a huge fan of Doctor Who, but I do like the show. I was half tempted to get this, but when I found out it was $30, I decided to skip it. For that price, it better make one hell of a cup of tea or coffee!